Roaming Map, Right.....

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Salt Creek Oct 2013

This was a quickie out to Salt Creek, WA (on the Olympic Peninsula)  Goal was to try a new configuration of set up or what is and is not needed and to re-season 2 pans with Bees Wax.  Also to “Test”? some new Happy Hour Libations. 

I had the “Beer Exchange” (red porta-cooler) that is meant to try out new beers participatants found.  Each person brings a 6-pack so others can try it.  This time we also had a “Taste Test” for some Tequila.  Mine was the Cazadores and Garrett’s was the Milagro.    Shot glasses indicate the owners.  After a taste test (A-hem, or several JUST to be sure) Milagro came in 2nd place as indicated by the two glasses bottoms up and the “Smiley Face” of the Lime.

Seasoning the Pans was a bear.  Brillo wouldn’t even scratch the surface on the thick one and boiled water & vinegar for the rusty one.  Went through a full 6” Pumis  bar grinding away down to the size of a pea as shown.

Weather was clear skies with 1 day of full fog and one night of high Winds and Rain.  I left a day early as Wind & Rain just don’t mix and it was time.

A lot to do out in this neck of the woods but the drives are a little longer than they appear.

Campground was pretty empty as you can see, max 4 spots used on the Tongue spit part.  Access to the sound side was closed for a new bench pad.  Any site along the bluff is good, when it’s not too windy.

A nice trip, I enjoy going out there off season.  Too Crowded during Season so this was perfect.

Round Trip Miles:     139 mi
Drive Time One Way:     2.75 hrs  (Hwy  WA 161 & WA-7)
Nights in “Le Droppe”:     5
Links to the Campsites:  

Google Map:   RouteMap

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