Roaming Map, Right.....

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lining the Ducks up....

Ok, so it looks like things are starting to come together here...

Truck:    Ordered
Delivery around the 22nd Aug.

Flat Bed:  Ordered
Delivery apx 22 Aug or close thereafter

Camper Arctic Fox :  Next
Ordering after truck is secured

ACE 900:  Ordered
Pick up after Camper secured

Li'l Nell: Sept
And of course we have to name her, ACE, so "Little Nell" it is.
"Nellie" is for the XP1k that will reappear in an year or so.
My Fav gals....  (Li'l Nell will have one less mug (on left side for 3 mugs)

Once this is place, I should be ready to go "Full Time" RV TC (Truck Camping).  need to make 1-2  trips to put stuff in storage and then should be good to go.

Looking forward to it, so many places, so little time.
Sept will be a busy month to be sure, but planning on being in Moab, UT end of Sept/1st of Oct for buggy riding.

That's it for now...