Roaming Map, Right.....

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting Resources

So getting started, I needed to get set up for "Campsite Chats" with WiFi and a video laptop.
This where I've been since May 8, 2008 with "Le Droppe" (Camp Inn Tear Drop)  over to WI to pick it up and bring it back, driving, as fast as possible.  I left Wed morning, back in Seattle at Sunday noon.  If I wasn't sleeping, I was driving and trying to beat, well sort, a snow storm.

Meanwhile, just been doing local trips in the PNW, mainly WA, some OR and my great friends to the North, Canada.  Love it up there for diving and camping.

So this is the first blog posting, gathering resources as I want to do the 50 states, among other things and send posts/video from the campsite.  Using the "50 States in 50 Days" mind set, I should have a better idea at the beginning of 2013.

So until then or sooner, hang in there.  This is just to get it started.
Just a "Fire Side Chat" from a campsite near you.

"Grab a beer and sit'er down"

1 comment:

  1. Update:
    Got the Laptop, got it set up on WiFi and traveling modem for camping. Checked out the Video streaming, Skype, and am "Loaded n' Tied, Ready to Ride...

    Vantage this weekend if the Snow and Rain lighten up a little...
    Stay tuned eh??
    All dressed up and nowhere to go... yet that is..
