Roaming Map, Right.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

LTVA La Posa - Tyson Wash

So it's been a while since last post.

(Ouch, this stuff jumps out at you not the 'Warm Fuzzy' stuff)

Lots of trails wandering around, dusty, but why wouldn't it be eh?

Christmas & New Years were non-events, but had to do something to remember it, so drove the nearest hill top for Christmas Day Dinner.
(Christmas dinner on hill top)

I'm now over at the above location and it's near the hills.  I call it one big Ole Playground as it has trails all over the place.  Some steep ones, but the fun ones are winding around and over the hill tops.  Sitting on top, the views are really kewl. You can see the vast area of RV Parking.

Quartzsite is what I call '... one 'Huge' flea market, sitting on a "Huger",  heheh, RV park of rocks, gravel and shrubs with an Interstate Hwy (I-10) running through it"...

Slowly getting the "Camping Thing" back to normal, with canopy, Xmas lights and the BBQ.  Been a little too windy and cold to enjoy it yet, but weather is warming up next week, mid-Feb.

While it's been a little cool at night, mid 30's to 60's in the day, it was warming up and had a heat spell up to 76f or so.  Winds will kick up and currently, as I'm writing this, winds 30mph gusting to 50-60 as reported by news.  Luckily most of the dust has already been blown away, but there is still a haze.

Been riding when I can, but can't post all the pics I would like as Verizon Data plans are limited and pretty pricey when trying to upload photos and going over the plan limits.  Verizon luv's their plans.
 Pics are of various rides.

Discovered the Escapees RV club and Boomers and others.  ORV clubs, 2 of them have rides that I've been going on.

Finally got my "Gas Mgmt" zeroed in, ACE is bad on gas and now figuring apx 85mi to dry tank, figuring 15-18mpg.  Still haven't "Run it dry" as I figure it'll cut off on a steep hill or in downtown traffic.  Still working with the Samsung S2 tablet which is turning out to be kinda kewl.  I can run my music and my camera along with nav all on one piece.  Got rid of the GoPro and the iPad (actually, kept it for just general use, to and from store etc)

(lots of old mines potholed around)

Trying to ride Tue/Thur/Sat and laundry/dump n fill/ and general stuff on the other days.

I've been taking a big "Hit" on income for last 4 months and may have to let the ACE, 'Lil Nel' go, will know more in a few weeks.  Pretty much resigned to letting it go and will just focus on camping/exploring and figure out some other lest costly way to do things.  Sigh, getting sick n tired of counting on things, only to have them fall out.  Maybe Banjo, self taught or Boogie Woogie Piano/keyboard, 2 things on the "Wish to learn" so we'll see..

I did the application and have an interview with the Amazon Camperforce, seasonal work in last quarter. 10-hr days with mandatory OT or something like that, not looking forward to standing/climbing/lifting 12hrs a day but it's an income of sorts. Just might pay for the FFBs (Fuel-Food-Beer) for that time period.  Not sure at 70yrs, I can still jump the hoops as able to do before.

Game plan is to stay here till end of March, then, if possible, head out to Carlsbad Caverns, hit the ice caves on way back, Grand Canyon, the glass stairway over the canyon, Death Valley, and shoot back up the coast above San Fransico.  Really miss the Trees and Ocean etc.  Will try to get it before the "BKT"s are released... (Bugs, Kids, Traffic) and maybe head up through Canada.  Still working on that one.

Other than that, all is quiet, enjoying the 'no hassle days' just need to get the buggy/camper configuration settled, not sure how that's going to play out yet.


(no Gallery Pics due to limited uploading with Verizon - $$$)

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