Roaming Map, Right.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Meteor Shower - Wanapum SP

Nov 17,  2012
So the purpose of this trip was to watch the Leonids Meteor Shower in Nov 2012 at Wanapum State Park, WA (So of Vantage)..... but in the rain?? and in Washington?? heheh.. Not...
But also to test out the computer's WiFi connections for future trips to update from the campsite.

It was a little weird coming into the park which is usually full or semi-full for this time of year.  The Camp Host and Park Rangers are usually all around.
But not this time.  WTF, I said to my self. This place is completely empty and the leaves undisturbed by tires.
Did I miss something???
Was there a sign saying "The upstream Dam release will flood this area at 3 am.." (since all thing that are a PITA happen at 3am in the morning.  Was there a Cougar loose? the Wild Man from Borneo?? or "The Wild Amazonian Women from the Planet Sleaze" are running loose, enh? maybe not so bad after all??

Place was completely empty, no park host, no rangers and certainly no campers...
So set up camp, light rain/drizzle an then some "Tired Rain", few heavy drops here an there, then stops, then starts..

Set up the computer, Lap Top, plugged in the dongle to the Router and after all that?  had the wrong password.

Sent, more like pestered my friends with the JitterBug phone photos and uploaded to Face book.  Geesh, at least some thing worked.

Late at night a single Subaru pulled in at the far end and set up tents.

Had my 3 beers and went to bed..
Photo Gallery of the "Empty" park.. nothing else to take pics of.

WTF is Wanapum St Pk, WA???

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting Resources

So getting started, I needed to get set up for "Campsite Chats" with WiFi and a video laptop.
This where I've been since May 8, 2008 with "Le Droppe" (Camp Inn Tear Drop)  over to WI to pick it up and bring it back, driving, as fast as possible.  I left Wed morning, back in Seattle at Sunday noon.  If I wasn't sleeping, I was driving and trying to beat, well sort, a snow storm.

Meanwhile, just been doing local trips in the PNW, mainly WA, some OR and my great friends to the North, Canada.  Love it up there for diving and camping.

So this is the first blog posting, gathering resources as I want to do the 50 states, among other things and send posts/video from the campsite.  Using the "50 States in 50 Days" mind set, I should have a better idea at the beginning of 2013.

So until then or sooner, hang in there.  This is just to get it started.
Just a "Fire Side Chat" from a campsite near you.

"Grab a beer and sit'er down"