Roaming Map, Right.....

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Quartzsite, AZ Dec 2015

Leaving Horsfalls Sand Dunes, OR and generally looking at the maps, I try to take routes that I haven't taken before which are usually longer, but at least I get to see what's out there.  I typically use Garmin which lately takes me on it's own trip... and Gawd knows where it will end up.

So left Horsfalls in the quiet of a Monday morning, place was almost like a ghost town and the drive, unintended thank you very much Garmin, went over to La Pine on via OR-38 E and OR-58 E  very nice drive, 2-lane so could be a slow one if behind something slow.

Didn't bother to check the weather that much as it was Sunny & Nice in Horsfalls... so it's gotta be "Nice & Sunny" everywhere else in Oregon... heheh, snow in La Pine.

The game plan was to resupply in La Pine, get the stuff I needed, oh? I dunno, like GPS and Nav Tablets for riding... it does help... someone, but not necessarily me.  Only one besides the host ranger-ettes at the campsites who just shook their head and called me "Goofy" for coming out to camp for 2 nights, in the snow at the Park. Snowed a little the next night before departure but manageable.

I always miscalculate map distances in Oregon.  I just look at it and figure, yeah, no biggie, 1-2hrs and I'm through it..

Made it down to Battle Mtn, NV rest stop, spent night and then a long day to Quartzsite, AZ coming into there and trying to find Dome Rock campsite at night was a bit of a hassle.  Just started down highway to a rest stop to spend the night, saw the exit to Dome Rock, took it and just parked somewhere.  Could have been a main road or in the middle of the wash. Didn't know and at that point didn't care.

Luckily made it off the road, on a camping area. (everywhere is a camping area except the road) and located a little better spot for the next two weeks..

Dome Rock is just apx 4 mi west of Quartzsite.

Quartzsite, AZ is pretty much a year'round Flea/Swap market with a highway running through it.  Jan & Feb, it gets jammed with several happenings.  Quartzsite is surrounded by BML (Bureau of Land Mgmt) which means you can camp there at nominal costs. 2 weeks in certain spots, free, and in the LTVA (Long Term Vistor's Area) $40 for 2 weeks or $180 for a 6 month period...  It's pretty much flat scrub brush and dusty.  luckily, you can ride your buggy's into town as long as you don't get crazy.

I was able to do some rides around and it was great riding on the trail the wind around the hills and gullies.

Sunsets are great, but a  little chilly to sit outside and wait for them.  Haven't figured out where the fire wood is and didn't feel like breaking out the campfire due to winds.  But the Stars... Whoa.... can't wait to get some photos of those...  nice...

So, 14 days and have to move...

I'm currently over on the La Posa Tyson wash area, just South of the "Q" as Quartzsite is called, on the west side next to the wash...  The wash, is sort of the highway to the "Q" for buggies.  Keeps'em off the highway and makes it fun.

Gallery Pics here
(if Google allows it, they've change and it takes getting used to it)

Good riding....

(I have to laugh everytime I have a pic wearing hat hat, looks goofy scrunched down on the head like that, but it blows of if not "tied down' right...)

Now over at the LTVA area and will be moving to a different location, less dusty tomorrow, Mon 21st.

I'll try to get into the Christmas Mood, with light etc, but been having problems with batteries and solar panels... Solar panel finally just gave up and stopped working.  it's a simple connection that is loose and after 3 day's attempts haven't found the break.  Going in tomorrow to get it resolved... market/haircut (looking a little shabby heheh) and new campsite away from the dust..

My shopping cart..
to carry what I call the "FFB"s of life..
(Fuel, Food, Beer) the 3 basic essentials of life... 
My life that is...)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

HorsFalls Nov 15

I went to the UTV Take Over at the Sand Dunes at Horsfalls, OR to "Ride the Dunes"

While I'm not a "Duner", more of a "Trailer", as in doing dunes and doing trails, it is fun to get out there on "fresh Dunes"...

The ACE 900 performed will, but the wheel base is just too short for the "Whoops", Sand Waves, like waves you'd see on the ocean 1-3'+ high and you just go up and down.  The bigger machines, XP1ks can get up to speed and just bounce along the tops, much like wash boarded roads.  The Ace can't so it becomes miserable when you encounter them.  Have to slow down to a crawl and of course, everyone is gone.  Fresh dunes are great when you don't have to deal with Whoops and Ruts.

The Rally was a good one, many people showed up.  Camping site was packed full and pretty much a free for all that goes with it.
(note, campfires don't burn Alum cans, garbage etc and crushing them doesn't help.  Noise levels remained constant even at 3am, had to use ear plugs)

Most encircled like wagon trains with the inner courts for buggies and, A-hem, Repairs as needed. Most Trailers are pretty much like mobile repair shops having all the tools needed to rebuild a new machine.  Sometimes it's hard to identify a buggy unless it's up on jacks, heheh, sorry, couldn't resist, but that's the other half of he fun, tweaking the buggies to the dunes.

(you ever going to go out riding?)

UTV put on a great Rally,



Thanksgiving dinner (and free beer)

It's hard to get a photo of the dunes heights, but they are long and steep.  I was able to make it up most of them, some after a few tries, due to pilot error and was great before the crowds showed up.  The sand trails

are kewl, but once peeps started arriving and the place got chewed up with the quads on the trails, it was becoming more of a hassle for the ACE, A-hem Driver, Moi, to get excited to go out. It's much like water skiing on glassy smooth and then turning to chop, not as much fun, IMNSHO.

Anyway, it was an experience and wanted to do it, but will probably shy away from the "Big Events" in the dunes.  Will luv to go back in the off season and spend time cruising around, huge area.

Then onto La Pine, to regroup, resupply, reorganize for Quartzsite, AZ
(Relied on Garmin to get me over to La Pine, went the wrong route, sigh, back to carrying maps/atlas again.  need a new Garmin as it's taking me places no one has ever seen, heheh, user error of course, but I shouldn't have to carry maps as a back up or primary source)

More pics here

Only restraint is what I call the "FFB"s
"Fuel, Food, Beer"